Rep. Zeldin Announces $599K for Stony Brook University Study on 9/11-related Comorbid Conditions

Press Release

Date: Sept. 9, 2016
Location: Patchogue, NY

Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) today announced $599,532 has been granted to Stony Brook University to conduct their Personality-Informed Care Model for the 9/11-related Comorbid Conditions study that will research the correlation between personality and medical and psychiatric illnesses, specifically among 9/11 first responders, in an attempt to help improve the service and patient care offered at the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and elsewhere.

Congressman Zeldin said, "Stony Brook University is a leader in the research and technology field, and I am proud to announce that this funding will go towards an important study regarding personality and the impact it has on mental health, especially among our first responders. This study is an important initiative to not only help improve healthcare for our police and first responders, but its success can also be replicated around the country for all Americans. In Congress, one of the top priorities should be to fight for our first responders and improve healthcare for all and I will continue supporting all efforts that do so."

"This study and the funding to support it will help us understand why some responders continue to suffer from medical and psychiatric illnesses many years after the disaster and will test promising new approaches to helping them," said Roman Kotov, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Stony Brook University School of Medicine and principal investigator.

The funding was secured through the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Heath.
